19 August 2010

What's been going on lately

Elke has been keeping us busy, she's now nearly 10 months old and changing a lot - shuffling around on her bum, rather than crawling yet, making lots of different sounds that are getting close to words - mummum and dada and ta are about the limit of the recognisable ones. But I was impressed the other day when I said "Elke clap" and she did - so she understands more than we realised already - so can follow simple commands like that or wave. She still has a tendency to wake in the early morning around 3-4am and chat away to herself - but K assures me she is sleeping better than the rest of the kids in her mothers group.

What else - we've been unsuccessfully, so far, trying to sell our flat in London, we did find an investment place that was going to buy it and they pulled out a week from completion *sigh* So we're giving it six more weeks then looks like we'll have to rent it out again until the market in the UK improves so we can sell the bloody thing!

K and I both did the City2Surf 2010 - where I managed to put in my PB at 70:10 (5 minute K's booya~!) and K managed a respectable 2hrs7mins in her inaugural City2Surf race.

Work wise - I'm three months into my new role in the Engineering Workplace Services team and K's doing 2 days a week at her new investment job - with one from home, meaning Elke only needs to go to childcare 2 days a week.

That's about it for now - I'll leave this post with a Wordle I created from plugging in my Blog url (Wordle.net):

02 May 2010

Elke - The First 6 Months

A collage of 0ur little girl over the last six months! She's now sitting up and interacting with everyone and everything. We're still working on the sleeping through the night part - just don't seem to be able to get enough milk in Elke during the day to keep her asleep all night - there's just too much going on that needs her full attention! :)

I've been uploading pics to fb for people to see her development over the months - here's a link to the album Elke Laureen Mowbray - Pics

Well she'll be 6 months in 4 days and K is off back to work, just two days a week, so it's off to childcare Monday-Tuesday's for the little one - lots of people to meet and toys to play with there so we're sure she'll be fine - it's in the city and costing a small fortune so I hope she likes it.

03 January 2010

Christmas 2009

Big Sis, Christine, Robbie and the girls came to visit for Christmas with us this year. We had some lovely weather the first week and made a trip to Taronga Zoo and Chris and Rob managed to catch up with some friends. We had a lovely Christmas day down in Shellharbour with the rest of the family then a quiet New Year (as Chris had gone back up to Queensland with her brood by then :))

Elke is now 8 weeks old and is continuing to thrive, lots of smiles and gooing going on lately and she's managed a number of sleep through's from 9pm-6am which has been great! Looking forward to her development over 2010 - Happy New Year!!