19 August 2010

What's been going on lately

Elke has been keeping us busy, she's now nearly 10 months old and changing a lot - shuffling around on her bum, rather than crawling yet, making lots of different sounds that are getting close to words - mummum and dada and ta are about the limit of the recognisable ones. But I was impressed the other day when I said "Elke clap" and she did - so she understands more than we realised already - so can follow simple commands like that or wave. She still has a tendency to wake in the early morning around 3-4am and chat away to herself - but K assures me she is sleeping better than the rest of the kids in her mothers group.

What else - we've been unsuccessfully, so far, trying to sell our flat in London, we did find an investment place that was going to buy it and they pulled out a week from completion *sigh* So we're giving it six more weeks then looks like we'll have to rent it out again until the market in the UK improves so we can sell the bloody thing!

K and I both did the City2Surf 2010 - where I managed to put in my PB at 70:10 (5 minute K's booya~!) and K managed a respectable 2hrs7mins in her inaugural City2Surf race.

Work wise - I'm three months into my new role in the Engineering Workplace Services team and K's doing 2 days a week at her new investment job - with one from home, meaning Elke only needs to go to childcare 2 days a week.

That's about it for now - I'll leave this post with a Wordle I created from plugging in my Blog url (Wordle.net):